First of all I must say, brummies are soooooooooooo nice! I was street teaming and they were all really sweet and friendly!

Golden Silvers were incredible, they're just sooooo talented, 'Another Universe' was gorgeous:
Then. when they did 'True Romance' I was dancing manicly, definatley more manically than everyone else as I was so high on life and caffine but then I turned round and saw a big mass of red hair running and dancing towards me and thought 'Ooo that woman's going for it even more than me' and then after about 3 seconds realised it was Florence!

And then everyone started dancing as maincally as I was then, which was good :)
After about a 30 minute break Florence came and started with between two lungs:
Ahhh, the set just got better and better, I can't even describe how good it was, it just made me the happiest and most emotional that I've ever been in my life! It was really great how everyone else knew all of the lyrics, even to the new songs as well as me, everyone just loved her and went mental!

It was lovely how she sneaked in My boy builds Coffins with the album tracks, it's such a crowd pleaser and really warmed the crowd up. The new songs are incredible, hurricane drunk is beautiful and Howl is imensly dramatic. A random girl who loves howl grabbed me so that I could be closer to the stage too. Kiss with a fist involved the usually crowd surfing, she nearly fell on my head and her braclet broke.
For me though, I would probably say that the encore was the best bit, she did Blinding (an incredible, headbanging tune about dreaming of dead people) and everyone loved it as people had been requesting it throughout her set and then she did You've Got the Love and I cried because I was so happy.
After was a 'clubnight' thing and the DJ was really good, considering he told me his laptop was broken (when I requested the Skream remix of In for the Kill), so hats off to him.
Loads of people hung around after and we met Florence and we had a sing a long to Sex on Fire, ahhh it was awesome. I then had to run to the train station for the last train with no shoes on because my feet hurt so much, it was quite liberating actually, I sung Dog Days are over on the way :)
Here's a picture of me, Emily and Florence, the flash on my camera stopped working though, so it's a bit dodgey :S

I CANNOT wait to see her again, she's just the best, nothing can top her!
Grr, the picture of me, Em and Florence isn't working properly, see the FULL thing here:
We've managed to miss Florence every single time she's been in Manchester :( Can't wait for the album, we're gonna be all over it like a bad rash!
You HAVE to see her!! She's ammmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing! You should have got tickets to the salford gig you silly things! I CANNOT wait for the album, I'm absolutley desperate for it! It's gonna be so incredible, it'll be better than anything I've EVER heard before, I know it!
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