Gig review- Shockwaves NME Tour b'ham
Current mood: lazy
Category: Music
I went to Birmingham last night for the NME Tour, something which I'd been looking forward to for a long time, I booked it ages ago, as soon as I saw the amazing line-up I ran into the living room to mum like -"Mum, I have to go to Birmingham on the 4th Febuary!"
First all can I say, the Birmingham Academy or the O2 academy or whatever it is called now a days is awesome, I love the oldness of it! The local venue in stoke is all metal and looks like a strip club and doesn't really have a proper bar, it's rubbish really but it's what I'm used to so I was pleasantly suprised by the authenticness of the venue, although the toilets were a bit crap cus they had no toilet roll
Anyway, firstly- Florence and the Machine!
I can't believe that she was on first really cus she's the best, words cannot describe how incredible she is. The set was exactly how I imagined it, although in a dream I had the other night there were real life trees surrounding her and expressive dancers, oh and my english teacher was there, pretty bizaare dream to be honest. There were loads of cheers when she came on with her lovely band, which I was pretty glad about, she came on wearing a absolutely gorgeous long black dress, I'd love to know where she found it, it was amazing! Her set was outstanding, the howling/wearwolfy song being a highlight (I'll find out the real name soon) her new sounds are sounding awesome, I'm uber excited for the album!! And of course the singles were wicked, as well as My Boy builds coffins and Birdsong :D In Kiss with a Fist she crowd surfed into the audience haha, I knew she'd do something crazy by the end of the set! They were all so energetic it was just insane, especially the keyboarding girl with the pretty flower in her hair. I loved every minute of it, it felt like another one of my wierd dreams. Although the wierd, dancing groping man behind me and Beth was a bit annoying!
White Lies- These were even better than I thought they were going to be, despite having seen them twice before hand, I think it was because pretty much all of the crowd knew who they were and had listened to the album (which is good by the way) so sang along and danced a lot, moshed, crowd surfed etc.
I think that apart from Unfinished buisness (ft. florence) and Death that Farewell to the Fairground was my favourite from their set simply because it's an amazing song which you can throw a fair few shapes to!
After their set we got invited for a drink by a 60 year old man (this proves just how nieve we are) and went being (almost) 17 year olds that are skint and underage. Turns out that John wasn't to bad, it was well funny, he introduced us to his friends, who were basically the the older members of the crowd all bunched together.
Friendly Fires came on just as we began drinking our pints and were busted a few moves to 'Lovesick' whilst still at the bar, the surrounding Brummys being suprisingly unjudgmental, if we'd have done the same thing in Stoke, or even worse Wolverhampton (I've been to a few gigs at the civic centre) we'd have been given evil stares, God, I love Brummys, they're so friendly and poilte! After lovesick we said goodbye to John and snaked our way through the crowd and into where everyone was dancing the most and by the time Glasvegas came on we were at the front! Friendly Fires were as good as they always are (I've seen them also twice before hand) with Ed throwing a few eccentric moves and the really good lighting, it was awesome!
After a long wait which included a girl next to us fainting and me speaking a strange language that was a mix between french and spanish (spancais?) Glasvegas finally took to the stage! They suprised me loads too cos last time I saw them I didn't think that they were amazing, but maybe that was a lack of atmostphere. So yes, they were pretty amazing and everyone sung and danced along, apart from 'the ice cream van' which I just really don't get, it's their only boring song which is slow and goes on forever! When they went off stage, instead f chanting 'we want more' the crowd started chanting to the lyrics to 'Go square go' (one of their best songs in the set), so Glasvegas came back onstage to "here we, here we, here we fucking go" There was a lovely solo moment by James and then they finished up with "Daddy's Gone" which always goes down a storm as their last song! The audience seemed to go away in very high spirits agan chanting the lyrics to 'Go Square Go.' I bought a Florence T shirt for £15, (I tried to barter with him, but he was having none of it, so I had to borrow money off Beth) it was the last black one. And they I went home because we had to shoot straight off because of the hour car journey, I was gutted I didn't get to meet Florence of Ed :( I think it was still by far the best gig that I've ever been to! It most certainly had the best line-up that I've ever seen!
Videos which I took-
Florence and the Machine- My boy builds coffins, I'm sorry that it not very zoomed in on this one it was the first time that I wanted to use the zoom button on my new phone, so I was a tad confused! But the others are better!
Girl with one eye- I love this video!
Birdsong- sorry zoom on the beggining bit is funny, I was still trying to work it out, I did in the end so it's worth watching
Glasvegas- Daddy's Gone- Amazing Finale
Check out the Photos of Florence and the Machine and Friendly Fires which I took:

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