Frankie Rose is usually recognised for her drums/vocal/guitar contribution in scuzzy lo-fi rocks bands: Vivian Girls, Dum Dum Girls and The Crystal Slits but now she’s founded her own project where she is the is the pinnacle figure, rather than having behind the scenes involvement.
Her new band are entitled Frankie Rose and the Outs. They may sound rather like the other bands that she’s worked with but that doesn’t make them any less wonderful or significant. New single ‘Girlfriend Island’ is as twee as fuck, but not in a pejorative way. In the cold grimness that is winter everyone needs cheering up, and ‘Girlfriend Island’ is a perfect way of doing so; the retro guitar riffs and the sweet, harmonious vocal refrains could warm even the coldest of hearts.
Frankie Rose certainly knows how to construct an almost perfect retro pop song; her new single is proof of this. Bands like Frankie Rose and the Outs are keeping the girl band revival alive simply because they do it so well. Frankie’s influences are clear throughout the record as it pretty much reeks of everything that was great about music in the 1960’s. Frankie Rose was a centre piece of this revival and continues to be as she demonstrates during this brilliant new single. The record seems so catastrophic, due its lo-fi, unrehearsed edge, yet pristine at the same time, making it a body of delightful chaos.
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