This is an album of beauty, pain, heart-ache, hope and grief. Her voice is flawless and her song writing skills have been further honed during the making of this album into perfection. The Sea is a very personal album, at times in fact it even seems too personal, like you shouldn't be listening. Some people might find it uncomfortable or depressing, but I see it as a beautiful thing. I love the intensity of this album and find it a real gateway into Corinne's experiences and emotions of the past 2 years after the death of her husband, Jason Rae. Even the name 'The Sea' is perfect for this album as it portrays a wide range of Corinne's feelings, views and experiences.
This album welds together acoustic, jazz and soul which gives it a wonderful, yet still relatively simple sound. Had this album been overproduced, it would not have had half of the impact that it does.
The stand out tracks are: Are you Here, Feels Like the First Time, The Blackest Lily, Paris Nights/New York Mornings and The Sea
However, I'd recommend getting the whole album because I'm a strong believer that some albums should stand alone as an album, rather than individual songs and this is one of those albums.
Corinne gets a 10/10 for this glorious offering.
Katie x
ps. NME Tour on Thursday, I'll write it up :)
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