Firstly, I saw Regina Spektor, that lady is so disgustingly talented, it's unbelievable! She treated her audience to a flawless one and a half hour set, it was just perfect, She did songs from all of her albums apart from 11:11. It was also so cute when she came out and tried to do an english accent with her little Russian lilt!

And then on Thursday the 3rd of December was the re-scedualed Paloma Faith gig at Birmingham Academy 2, I took my mother along! We had a great time, Paloma was as great as I thought she was going to be, however, although I already had high expectations of Josh Weller, he even out did my expectations. He's phenemenal live! His live shows really showcase his song writing skills, his performance capability and refreshing unique sound. Although my mum did compare him to Elvis Costello! It's outrageous that he's not signed, he's so good and he's been part of the music scene for quite some times now, he is particularly popular in Paris, however.

And finally, on Wednesday (the 9th Dec) I saw for the second time this year, The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, the following video basically says it all, their pure brilliance!
Supporting them was a band from Montreal called 'Duchess says.' Now there's an interesting band! I think the stewards nearly had a heart attack when the lead singer, Annie-Claude, jumped into the crowd and sung the majority of the set moshing, whilst still singing, in the audience. She moved from one end of the crowd to the other and back, whilst the audience members participated in passing the microphone lead over their heads. That woman managed to change people first impressions of her in the space of half an hour. When she came on, in a flowery night gown, pretending that she had been excosised, people immediatley though "gosh, she's wierd and arrogant, we don't even know who she is!" but by the end the set, she was being called a total ledgend. She was crazy in the same sort of way that Alice Glass is and I can imagine Duchess Says having a simular cult following and sold out shows in the way that Crystal Castles do. Their music was a mixture of grunge/punk and elctroinca/shoegaze, they had a very original sound and I truel believe that they will go on to do great things!
That's all for now, but I'm going to post another blog very soon!
Katie x
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