Well, where oh where do I start?
I saw Jack Penate on the 13th June, he was amazing, I think I'm a little bit in love...

Also, I've recently bought his album and it's excellent, stand out tracks are: both the singles, Let's all die and Give yourself away
I've also bought Regina Spektor's new album, entitled 'Far' which I've already mentioned. It's brilliant, there's a nice mix of uplifting songs and darker songs such as 'laughing with.' The woman's a genius!
See her performance of Glastonbury from this weekend here:
http://www.bbc.co.uk/glastonbury/2009/artists/reginaspektor/New Artists
Dimbelby and Capper- writes good pop music, here's a link to her myspace: http://www.myspace.com/dimblebyandcapper
Lianne La Havas- She's Paloma Faith's backing singer,she has a really beautiful voice and writes lovely, slightly jazzy songs, here's her myspace-http://www.myspace.com/liannelahavas
I'm also listening to a lot of The Big Pink, their new single, 'Stop the world' is out on monday. Their music is really beautiful and hazy. I'm listening to the XX a lot as well, thier music is also beautiful and their supporting Florence and the machine on her UK september tour so I'm looking forward to seeing them then. Their
song Star's is absolutley gorgeous, it melted my heart on the first listen of it.
Well, that's all for now, I'll try and write on here again asap :)