I'm listening to Regina Spektor and wishing I had the money to go to Latitude :( On the plus side: it's soothing my headache and I'm seing Jack Penate in June, got my ticket today :) + LEEEEEEEEEDS! Anyone going? Let me know if you are yh? :) I spent a good 2 hours in the park today and got bitten, but I got a watch mark :)
The Noisettes album 'Wild Young Hearts' is out today, I want it soooooooooo bad, if you have it, sendage? As is 'True Romance' by Golden Silvers, which I also can't really afford :( Someone from a music magazine should hire me, and then I would no longer be skint and would be able to afford to buy tickets and Cds. Email it to me if you have it anyway? I feel bad for not buying but, I'm seeing Golden Silveres next month, so that could kind of make up for it I guess :S
I'm also listening to a lot of Passion Pit at the moment, their album is out today too, ahh man, I need money :( And a lot of 'Peaches' and I'm loving Sam Isaac's new stuff too, I want to buy his album when it's out too :(
An album which I have investing in though, is The Yeah Yeah Yeah's 'It's Blitz!' it's awesommmmmmmmmeeeeeeeee! I'm loving 'Off with your head' 'Runaway' and 'Hysteria' and 'Little Shadow' too, ahhhhhhhh, they're all so good to be honest!
over and out,
Ps. I have my AS spanish speaking on thursday, wish me luck :S

Currently listening:
Soviet Kitsch
By Regina Spektor
Release date: 2007-03-12
7:17 PM 0 Comments(Add Comment) |0 KudosTranslatePowered by
Not sure if you have Spotify, but the Noisettes' album is on there. Let us know what you think, we're finding it a little dull :S
Nice blog by the way :)
MC & Lyndsey
Hey, love your blog.
I see you listen to a lot of interesting music.
And you go to the Sugermill? excellent! I havn't been there for a while, last gig i went there was a few years ago to see Stellastarr*. They have their own unusualness about them. They're New Yorkians!
I also agree with the above comment (or below, dont really know where this comment will stand!). Look on Spotify, it's a good place to just listen to music!
Nice blog! Spotify is great BTW so if you don't have it, you must get it! I read you are into music journalism? That's awesome. I'm in an Electropop band so maybe you can review us sometime! =P
Thanks for the advice guys :) Nice to have comments, woop! :) I shall try spotify :)
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