The support were: the fortunas- www.myspace.com/thefortunas and tequila lips: www.myspace.com/tequilalips
both local bands and pretty sound bands with potential, although the singer in tequila lips did not look like he should belong in a band, he was too buff and he's trousers were not very tight basically! He's certainly not how you would imagine him and he was also a it on the cheesy side and I HATE anything that's cheesy, but apart from him they were quite a good band.
Cheeky Cheeky and the Nosebleeds- On stage they look like a bunch of maniacs who've escaped from a mental hospital dancing, singing and playing in a plume of smoke and off stage they seem suprisingly normal guys. For a band who are used to playing to a much larger crowd, they still seemed very glad to be there, I've been to gigs where bands have came expecting a crowd and when they don't get as much of one as they wanted they go all pissy and play a little half heartedly but this band just still didn't let it affect them and played an amazing show! There was never a dull moment and they NEVER lacked energy, The singles-'You let me go' and 'Slow Kids' were most certainly the highlights because people knew the lyrics but every single song was amazing and had the danceability factor which was created by their large variety of influences as it states on their myspace page in the 'influences' section simply 'Pop Music 1955-2008.' This is clearly true, I hear a lot of different genres in their music. These guys clearly love playing shows and touring (they been on tour since 1st October) and they show this throug their performance, they seem like the band that are willing to play to anyone, anywhere. Their energetic performances are a MUST see! You will not be disappointed with them!
Here's a video I got off 'Give me your Hand',sorry about the sound quality, it isn't too good but, it's still worth a watch! please do!

Thanks for reading :)